Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Home, 9:46am

So the recording yesterday never materialized, tentative date set for Friday night after our gig at Friends. Will be a long night, but at least we'll be warmed up. Took a mental health day after getting in 2+ good hours of photo editing in. Felt nice to not have to do anything at all for about 12 hours other than wait by the phone and relax in my jammies. Still have a long week ahead (gigs every night from now til bout Tuesday).

Need to start moving my possessions over here, not even sure where to begin. That and my roommate is in Paris all week so I don't have any consultation as to where I can put what. There was some dispute as to where to set up my aquarium, it's a pain in the ass to move and weighs 300 pounds when full, so I'd hate to set it up only to find I should have put it somewhere else.

Would love to take another mental health day to chill but have a lot to do. In the meantime here's pics of Honky @ Red Eyed Fly on 11-20-09. Great show!

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