Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Today found I actually CAN play drums to a click track. Awesome. This will open up a whole new world. Helped having guitar with the click for a frame of reference. Now just need whatever cable for my headphone amp. Main problem I had earlier at the Music Lab was couldn't hear click/guitar over my damn drums.

Dusted off my late 70's Slingerland kit and replaced the snare head to the best of my ability. Recorded trial drumtracks to 5 songs, mainly trying to get ideas.

My phone was of course blowing up the whole time. Lots of ETB business going on, all very very good. Tim Abbott called saying he moved over a Leslie and B3 to his north Austin house and I can use it to record on, and have free reign to record there whenever. Awesome. Have the Music Lab as an option, Tim's place whenever, and have talked to Adrian Conner about tracking at her place when she's out with Hell's Belles.

Wow. Hope I can clear enough room on my 8 track to finish this thing.

Also tomorrow I, along with MJ and maybe Natalie Zoe at Matt Smith's studio for a run down of the guitar parts on the Arcana Mundi album. The man is a certified, card carrying badass and I look forward to sitting down with him. Haven't had a guitar lesson since age 14. Matt teaches Guy Forsyth, among others.

Also heard from Shandon Sahm's drummer Gary. They want to get together at the Music Lab tomorrow. Haven't talked to Shandon in several weeks so no idea what he even has planned other than it will be fun. More live work as a guitar player.

Have a burn cd of the new ETB songs in the works, no rehearsal til Monday so finally have a chance to write some bass lines to them. Also talked with Eric about getting together with him to hash out song ideas.

Have never really been in a place/band as a bass player where I was a songwriter as well, and weirdly need to learn how. Don't write basslines by themselves. They always are a reaction to the drums and guitar whether it be Eric and Rob or myself on my own recordings. So now that I can bring ideas to the table I don't know how. Crazy. Always learning.

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