Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wow, forgot what day it was.

Several hours after updating this blog last evening, realized with some horror that yesterday was Friday, not Thursday.

Shit. This is what happens when you work full time on a variable schedule, and seriously affects how I plan out the next few days.

Have bass to track (and write) for 3 songs. Have drums/guitar/bass to do for another song. Have a 3rd song that probably won't need drums except maybe in parts, but it's also 9 minutes long and I still need to tighten it up. That and need to do a volunteer shift at the Food Bank sometime by March 1st to fulfill 16 hours a month of CSR. Only day available was Tuesday, so took it tho it will be smack dab in the middle of a day I need to track on.

So in the middle of this I also had a ETB's Monday residency at Friends (a good night), practice with ETB and later Arcana Mundi on Thursday. ETB pulls another double-header tonight at Friends/BD Riley's. I doubt I should track any drums today, and doubt I will feel up to it tomorrow after playing bass for 6 hours tonight.

So to correct my previous blog post, I tracked drums on Tuesday (i think). Guitar on Wednesday and Friday. Today is Saturday. Got it.

Uploading roughs to RPM Site, lets see if I can do this:

Danny G's player:

^^^ Holy shit it worked. Awesome.

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